Responsabili dell'eperimento JLAB12

Marzio De Napoli
Stanza: 345
Telefono: 095/3785331
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Concetta Sutera
Telefono: 095/378
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Attività nelle quali è coinvolta la Sezione INFN di Catania:
Search for Light Dark Matter at Jefferson Lab
According to the standard model of cosmology, Dark Matter constitutes about 84.5% of the total matter in the universe. Unlike normal matter, dark matter does not interact with the electromagnetic force and its existence is only inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter, radiation, and the large-scale structure of the universe. The most common view is that dark matter is not baryonic, but that it is made up of other, more exotic particles created in the big bang, stable enough to still be around today.
HPS (Heavy Photon Search)
The search for low-mass hidden sectors weakly coupled to the standard model (SM) has received increased attention over the last decade. Hidden sectors are motivated by the existence of dark matter, appear in myriad extensions of the SM, and have been invoked to explain a wide variety of experimental anomalies. A prototypical hidden sector consists of a spontaneously broken “hidden” U(1) gauge symmetry, whose mediator is the “heavy photon” or “dark photon”, A0. The heavy photon interacts with SM particles through kinetic mixing with the U(1)Y (hypercharge) gauge boson. This mixing generates an interaction between the A0 and the SM photon at low energies, allowing dark photons to be produced in charged particle interactions and, if sufficiently massive, to decay into pairs of charged particles like eþe− or hidden-sector states.
The Heavy Photon Search (HPS) is a new experiment at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility in Newport News, Virginia, searching for the Dark Photon. The HPS experiment measures forward going electrons and positrons produced by electron bremsstrahlung in a thin tungsten target by an intense electron beam of energies between 1.1 and 6.6 GeV. The e+ - e- pairs are identified by a lead tungstate crystal calorimeter, providing the fast trigger, and their momenta and decay vertexes are measured with a very high rate silicon tracker/vertexer situated in a dipole magnet. Heavy photons are thus identified as bumps in the invariant mass spectrum of the electron-positron pairs, and by observing that their decay vertex is separated from the target.
BDX (Beam Dump eXperiment)
A future BDX experiment performed downstream of the beam-dump at one of the high intensity JLab experimental Halls, receiving up to 1022 electrons-on-target at 12 GeV of incident energy in a one-year period, will be sensitive to large regions of dark matter parameter space, exceeding the discovery potential of existing and planned experiments by two orders of magnitude in the MeV-GeV dark matter mass range.